
Columbus 48 Hour Film Project

“What is the 48 Hour Film Project?
It’s your chance to stop talking and start filming! The premise? Filmmaking teams have just one weekend to make a short film. All creativity—writing, shooting, editing and adding a musical soundtrack—must occur in a 48 hour window beginning Friday evening at 7:00pm and ending Sunday at 7:00pm. The following week, the completed films are screened to an eager audience.”

Qew Production represented at the 2016 Columbus 48 Hour Film Project and was 1 of 34 teams that participated. The short films were featured at Gate Film Center. This is my 3rd year participating in the 48 HFP and thus far my best. I’ve learned a lot over the last few years as I continue to grow as a filmmaker. One of the biggest things I’ve learned is that it is okay to have help. I’m very used to wearing all the hats on a production and the perfectionist side of me has been okay with this. However, this year I had help with recording sound and it really freed me up to focus on what I like to do more, be a director!

Another thing I did that helped was keeping my cast to a minimum. Overall this proved to be more efficient. Creating a story was simpler because we know we had a small cast to work with. It was easier to manage a smaller number of people as opposed to larger groups I’ve had in the past. Last but not least it was more cost efficient when trying to take care of cast and crew, less mouths to feed, lol!

In closing, I was very pleased to have the team I had this year and the camaraderie we shared in completing our film “The Longest Round” for the 48 Hour Film Project. The 48 HFP has been a wonderful trial by fire opportunity and experience for me to learn filmmaking. I recommend it to all budding filmmakers!