
Angela Davis Black History Month Tote Bag

I was inspired watching videos of Black Panther Party member and political activist Angela Davis, awed by her eloquence and intelligence. Not to mention she was sporting the largest afro I had seen at the time. My admiration for Dr. Angela Davis is what prompted the artist in me to create an original drawing of her, which I’ve made available in the form of a Tote Bag.

If you love Angela Davis and need a unique way to show your support during Black History Month or on any given day, this Angela Davis Tote Bag featuring my original drawing of the iconic leader may be what you are looking for. Various colors available. The Art of Qew.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I can not accept.” – Angela Yvonne Davis (born January 26, 1944).

Dining With The Ancestors When Heroes Come to Dinner

This time last year my artwork was featured with 6 other artist in a book titled “Dining With The Ancestors When Heroes Come to Dinner,” by Dr Eric J. Chambers. “Dr. Chambers is a 4-time Emmy Award winning Hollywood red carpet reporter” and he asked over 150 African American entertainers, athletes and notables a question…”If you could have dinner with anyone from history’s past, who would it be? And what would you talk to them about?”

Later Dr. Chambers would reach out to several artist (myself included) to create illustrations of the Ancestor’s with the living celebrities who chose them as who they would have dinner with. I was selected to draw a illustration of Sojourner Truth, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Yolanda Adams, and Tamar Braxton. My artwork can be viewed on pg.34 of “Dining With The Ancestors When Heroes Come to Dinner.” It is a coffee table book that shares Black History in a non-threatening way.