
Music Video: Worthless Lowdown by Adria Shahid

I had the honor and privilege to direct another music video for performer, songwriter and vocal stylist Adria Shahid. This Qew Production music video featured actors Aaron Stewart and Ashanti Brown. When shooting a scene with the actors inside a mall in Columbus, Ohio we were approached by security who took issue with me using “professional equipment” to film inside the mall. Mind you I was filming this scene at a small table with a Nikon D5300 dslr and a 35mm prime lens, not an Arri Alexa! I am very thankful that I had a Plan B in mind just in case. The manager of a local restaurant permitted me to film inside with an agreement that the logo of the restaurant would not be used. To my guerrilla and indie filmmakers out there, always have a plan B!

View below to see the music video “Worthless LowDown” by Adria Shahid directed by Quatric.
