
Behind the scenes short film: The Chip-Bot Program

Behind the scenes my concept for The Chip-Bot Program began many months ago. It was inspired by numerous headlines that flooded media of unarmed people being fatally shot and killed by police. Unarmed individuals were killed for petty offenses or sometimes no offense at all.  Internalizing this reality from a filmmakers perspective, I asked myself the infamous “What if?” What If robots or some kind of artificial intelligence were the enforcers of the land? Would correct and equal justice be spread evenly amongst citizens then? Would the headlines stop? But what about the human element involved in artificial intelligence? The Chip-Bot Program explores this variable in a society where technology is initially designed to remedy the errors of humanity. Production began for my sci fi short film The Chip-Bot Program in October of 2016.

Check out behind the scenes video footage below with some of the cast (coming soon).

Subscribe at Qew Flicks for updates on my next short film.

To view this Qew Production movie click the computer chip:



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